"Awesome perspectives and articles that you write--fresh, logical, and very convincing."
Kevin J |
“Should be required reading for baby boomers"
Ken H |
"Your series on inflation has been very thought
Nelson C |
"Thanks for all the
great work and insight; it is genuinely appreciated."
Kent K |
“I believe this is one of
the finest articles I have read in a very long time" Tom E |
"I hope many people read your
article and I am passing it on."
Elizabeth P |
“I find this topic fascinating and essential to prosper in the
coming years"
Mark M |
"Sent your article to everyone I know. VERY WELL DONE." Dru D |
"I love the information that you offer" Max W |
"Your essays need to
be a must read for all of my friends and relatives."
Bruce S |
“You've got some great
Tim I |
"Love your ideas!"
James M |
"This is an
excellent bit of work you have done"
Mark N |
“Thank you
for these lessons. They are great. I will share them." Ronald F |
Reading 1: How individuals can use inflation to directly take net worth from corporations & other individuals. | Reading 2: How the government can use inflation to convert after-tax assets into pre-tax income, & then take your assets. | Reading 3: How to use the tax code to turn a 10% rate of inflation into the net worth benefits of a 27% investment. |
Reading 7: A little studied lesson from the 1970s on how to turn $40,000 into $300,000 during a time of stagflation. | Reading 9: How to use the tax code's inflation blindness to triple the potency of an inflation hedge strategy. | Reading 12: How to turn inflation and the upcoming Social Security & Medicare crisis into a potential 44% annual return. |
Copyright 2007-2008 by Daniel R. Amerman, CFA
This website and the Turning Inflation Into Wealth mini-course, as well as related books and other materials, contain the ideas and opinions of the author. They are a conceptual exploration of financial and economic principles. As with any financial discussion of the future, there cannot be any absolute certainty. What this website, the mini-course and the related materials do not contain is specific investment, legal, tax or any other form of professional advice. If specific advice is needed, it should be sought from an appropriate professional. Any liability, responsibility or warranty for the results of the application of principles contained in the website, mini-course, books and related materials, either directly or indirectly, are expressly disclaimed by the author.