3 Levels Of E-mail Privacy Protection

We despise spam.  We want no part of it.  Therefore, this Mini-Course has been set up with three levels of privacy protection for you and your e-mail address.

1.  We don't send unsolicited subscriptions to anyone.  Ever.  The only way you can get in this course is to come here or an affiliated website, and actually sign up for it.  In the terms of the industry, this means we are "opt-in" only.

2. We will never sell or give your e-mail address to anyone else.  Period.

3. At the bottom of every letter you receive from us, our commercial e-mail service automatically inserts a link, that takes you straight to their website.  If you ever change your mind about the course, just click the link, tell them you want off the list, and you are instantly out of the course and will receive no more mailings.